Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things: Summer Linky

I joined this quick link up to tell you about my top 3 favorite things to do in the summer! You can link up here with The Teaching Trio 

Well - if you have seen my garage on instagram (@mrs_cmt1489) - You know that it's a disaster. Full of things from K-3rd grade basically. I have to get stuff together or else I'm going to go crazy, and so is my poor husband. Also, we just realized the room we had planned for baby Gunner to be his nursery isn't going to be big enough for all of the furniture. So now we are going to have to move stuff from the office to the bedroom and vice versa. The things I get myself in to :( 

I don't know about you, but that last week of school I was DEAD. I went to be at 8 two nights in a room. It's taking me awhile to get caught back up. I don't mind that my body wakes up super early still, as long as I get my daily nap. :)

I made this two. Whoops! I am in my masters classes, which requires a ton of reading. My superintendent provided me with a lot of reading materials personally as well as for a leadership program I am a part of and a book study with her. TONS of PD books. BUT, I also am all about YA fiction. I feel like such a 15 year old Cassie when I read that genre so I'm totally okay with it. 
As far as shopping, Mom and I did some damage today! :) We went antiquing and I found some more things for Gunner's hunter/fishing themed room. I love it. Poor little baby is so spoiled already. 

What are your favorite things?? 

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  1. Today was my first day of vacation and I've already had two naps! I was running on fumes the last couple of weeks of school, it's going to take a couple of days to get my energy back. Enjoy your summer vacation!

  2. HAHA I l-o-v-e naps!! Shopping is always fun. I just wish that I had more time to read. It's something that I've slacked on lately and I need to fix that!!
