Monday, June 22, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge: Dare to Dream

Week 2 with the lovely ladies of the TPT Seller Challenge. Here is our challenge this week:

So, I have to say - I created TWO. Personal and Professional. 

1. My sweet baby Gunner is due in September, and all I want more than anything is to learn to control my stress and enjoy it. Every single second. Right now I am so busy that I can't even keep up with what I have planned in my life, I am praying all of this changes. 

2. Goes sort of hand in hand with number 1. Relaxing. What is that? I feel that all I do is GO GO GO. I had to make lists this morning for the next 5 days to get myself in order. 

3. I dream of a vacation. Not just going home to Oklahoma (where I'm from), but actual time to enjoy myself and my husband and just relax. It doesn't happen very often with both of our schedules. So much, we never have had our honeymoon. I'm thinking once Gunner is a few months older we will be scheduling a trip or cruise to get some quality family time. 

4. The biggest personal dark cloud over my head. Stupid credit card debt from college. Grad school debt. Getting everything paid off is the biggest DREAM of mine at this point. Any tips:)

I guess I'm a little different than most blogging world. I don't want to TPT full time - I want to learn from everyone on blogs and collaborate to change the education system in America. 

1. I will be done with my masters next year. Afterwards I plan to take the master reading and reading specialists tests to become a master reading teacher and reading specialist. Which then leads me to #2

2. I will be trying all over to find a position of one of these. My thought right now is to present to our school board at our district to get a position created for such a high need in our district - reading instruction. 

3. I would love to find what works best with students and host workshops. Gretchen Bernabei spoke so much to me this past week about writing, and she's from right by where I live. It's inspiring, and something I definitely could see myself doing in the future.

4. Always been my goal from day one. There needs to be change in the education world in America. I have to find my way in and will eventually. Somehow. 

If you want to link up and joint he challenge head to one of these ladies pages: 

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  1. I love all of your personal and professional goals. Enjoy every single second of your new little one once the time comes! :)

    Sprinkles for the Teacher

  2. Congratulations! (I love the name Gunner!) I hope that all your dreams come true! Becoming a mother is such an exciting thing! I noticed that you separated your personal and professional dreams! As a working mom to be I'm sure you know the difficulty in finding a balance between the two! My advice as a mom with grown kids.... FAMILY first! They grow up way to fast! I wish you well with it! P.S. I love your blog!

  3. Absolutely love the name Gunner! I can't wait to see pictures. I thought I was busy before having kids, and now with two, it's even crazier. I still wouldn't change a thing! Remember to try to take time for yourself, even if it involves bringing the Pinterest app into the bathroom and locking/shutting the door (that's my secret...shhhh)! I hope 2015 brings you much success! :)
    Pinkadots Elementary
