Hey everyone! I have been completely busy! My life is GO GO GO GO GO, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm currently back in Oklahoma, relaxing with family, and trying to get used to this cold weather! So in love with the Christmas season!! I have a lot of goals in mind for myself for the new year, so I loved that Mrs. D's Corner created this awesome link up! You can find your way to it here!
Personal: My body is wrecked. Stress has completely taken over me. All the time. I am sick a lot. I have decided that I need to dive in to some sort of health change. My cousin has introduced me to the advocare 24 day challenge, and I am on board! Can't wait!!
Professional: STAAR, my first year teaching a testing grade, I have total faith in my kids. I'm so ready. I also have to get myself together by taking the ESL certification and special ed certification over the summer. I am still working on my masters. First semester went great, I have to keep up that 4.0
Planning: It's amazing how much better I feel about life when I am two weeks ahead. I need to keep that successful feeling up!
Organization: There are some messes in my room that drive me crazy. Moving into a new room, it really does take me all year to prepare myself for the future!
Students: My babies need to love reading. They came in hating it, I have to get them feeling 100%.
Motto: This has been the biggest impact on me, this saying. Remain positive, excuse the negative!
Everyone link up with Stephanie! I loved this. Made me really think :)
Have a Merry Christmas y'all!