Now, I don't know about you all, but our campus does a campus wide theme every year. You don't HAVE to do what is being presented, but last year the theme was Dr. Seuss so you KNOW I joined in on that :) It was also my very first year setting up my classroom and I learned a LOT in that process. I'm going to share with you some photos from my room last year, tips I learned on what not to do and a few changes, as well as some sneak peaks into my classroom this year.
Last years classroom:
Alright, let me start these tips by telling you my room changed SO MUCH throughout the year. It almost ended up look nothing like this. Here are a few reasons why...
In my opinion, ditch the teachers desk. It looks cute at the beginning, yes. I also went into the year thinking I need my OWN space, I am having a desk.
No. Worst idea ever.
I found myself being the teacher I didn't want to be. One who wanted to sit down and be at my desk, one who wanted the kids to come to my desk, and I hated it. I ditched it around Thanksgiving time and could not be happier. I had certain students I wanted to be closer to, so I just stuck myself behind the kidney table and made room for my junk. It got a little crazy, and messy, but it was still MY space, and I was getting to interact with the kiddos who needed me almost all day long when we were doing independent practice.
I tried to find a picture, sadly, there's none of my "space" only my kiddos cute faces :)
Here is a tip I am going into next year completely agreeing with.
Ditching the premade, store bought posters. The Dr. Seuss posters were cute, yes, but the face that we didn't make them together (anchor charts) my kids never looked at them! Ever.
Yes, I have made several posters this year for my classroom, but I don't intend to hang them up until we are talking about it and after we've created posters together. Also, I'm going into third grade, they can actually read the posters. My students learned more by doing and participating, especially when it came to being able to write on the anchor charts and hanging them up the rest of the year.
My sweet sweet babies, you can kind of see the anchor charts in the back. Now the blend and digraph charts the kids helped me write on them. They gave me examples and they came up and write, and they referred back to those the rest of the year. I knew I had to continue that, and wish I had done it sooner.
The yellow in my room last year was AWFUL.
I didn't have enough time to paint and then I stupidly still brought in bright chevron fabric for the bulletin boards.
I have learned from some of my new bloggy friends, and from more research, that black backgrounds are soothing and actually hold the kids attention. So my plan for this next year, is black backgrounds and adding colors to that.
Which brings me to my next preview, I want to show you all a little glimpse into what I have ready to take to my new room! :) I had the chance to win School Girl Styles Superhero theme set! So I have used some of her things from that and am bringing in my own! :)
Isn't it FANTASTIC! You can find it here.
Here are a few peaks into my new theme.
We can't get into our rooms yet, still unsure when, we got a text today. I'm semi-freaking out. Just have to now, stress later ;)

Aren't these signs FANTASTIC! I found them at Hobby Lobby! I was SO EXCITED! The rug above I got at Target!
Bins on bins on bins, now I know I won't use all of these, but I like to have options, and it never fails, I break things, okay? :)
My camera is obviously my iPhone camera, don't judge how terrible these photos look. These are a few things going into my reading nook. I want to create a fun, feel good atmosphere. I have plans for chairs, big pillows, maybe a futon if I can figure it out.
Like I said, I'm so ready to get in, but let me assure you, classroom decor is a learning process. I already have ideas for next year (I want to make a home-like feeling someday, browns, burlap...) I'm sure that idea will change ;)
I hope you enjoyed my post!
Catch up with me on instagram - @mrs_cmt1489 I post the most on there!
Or find my classroom page on facebook here.
Have a blessed day y'all! :)